Exterior Design
From the most intimate spaces of our homes and workplaces to big interfaces of different buildings, new forms of art, and design using all new technologies to reshape the world we are living in. Creating new values in this time requires new skills and minds of set, with the ability to come up with new different ideas using modern technologies and architecture methods. BIR KALEM is a unique type of company that contains some ultimate designing solutions that cover the needs of all sectors and business lines
For an interface or building to take root, it must stem from a deep understanding of the culture and how people act, interact, and communicate.

With an eye on architecture, technology, and communication, BIR KALEM understands these factors and turns this knowledge into unique designs that move projects forward through all levels, starting from planning and design through to construction and implementation. To do this, BIR KALEM team members work using new technologists and design tools, as well as creative and special concepts ideas
Our team of architects and designers guides projects from its prior phases to production, execution, and follow-up. BIR KALEM team’s expertise ranges from the integrated workplace and building design where buildings are designed from the inside and outside to meet all requirements of clients.